Mr David Beattie, MA, MD, FRCS(Eng), FAcadMEd Consultant Surgeon and Visiting Professor
Mr David Beattie, MA, MD, FRCS(Eng), FAcadMEdConsultant Surgeon and Visiting Professor

How to contact us

Mr David Beattie

Consultant Surgeon



Consulting Rooms


Chichester Nuffield Hospital

78 Broyle Road


PO19 6WB


Central Bookings: 01243 753001



Outcomes and Feedback

Patient Feedback July 18.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [149.6 KB]

New General Medical Council Guidelines for revalidation mean that all doctors are required to receive feedback from patients and colleagues.

The feedback shown here relates to my NHS practice and was collected and analysed independently and anonymously.

Contact us

During surgery hours you can reach us both by phone and by e-mail:

Mr David Beattie

Consultant Surgeon

24 West Street


West Sussex

PO19 1QP


Phone: 01243 789630

Fax:     01243 536591


Making enquiries and appointments

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© Mr David Beattie, Consultant Surgeon